Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Daily Bloom Meditation

 My mind feels light and free from stress , my thoughts are like the clouds simply passing through the sky. 

Waking up to a simple guided meditation can help to get you centered for the day.   Even a few minutes of your time with a Guided meditation Video can release the tension and anxiety that the day brings.  Remembering that your thoughts are just like the clouds passing in the sky and they come and go can help to alleviate worry and disease in the mind.  Don't let the day get away from you without being able to be present and enjoy it.

Today I will breathe, be present and enjoy the moments as they come and go.

Wishing You Well Today and Always.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Daily Bloom-Quote-Thanksgiving

"Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse"
Henry Van Dyke

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Daily Bloom-Quotes

"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures."   
Thornton Wilder

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Daily Bloom-Quotes-Thanksgiving

"Stand up, on this Thanksgiving Day, stand upon your feet.  Believe in man.  Soberly and with clear eyes, believe in your own time and place.  There is not, and there never has been a better time, or a better place to live in. "
Phillips Brooks


Monday, November 21, 2011

Daily Bloom-Quotes-Thankgiving

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.  It turns what we have into enough, and more.  It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.  It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.  Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.  

Melody Beattie

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Daily Bloom Meditation-Self Confidence

"Self-Confidence is the key to the universe."
-Carrol Wrackley 

As the days come and go and the holidays season approaches, it is easy to get caught up in what I like to call "the woods".  The woods is a metaphorical place that we go when we let out self confidence dwindle.  We take one negative thought or occurrence and run away with it.  Into the dark woods we go without a sane thought in our minds! It is easy to let our thoughts spiral down into the darkness when we are under a lot of stress.  We don't have our usual strength to fight the negative thoughts off when we are already in a state of distress.  

We can recognize these self-defeating thoughts and battle them before we get lost in "the woods."  When I notice myself thinking negatively there are a few things that I can do to get that jolt of self-confidence I need to continue:

1. Tell a friend! Friends always understand our crazy thoughts and they will be able to tell us that whatever negative thoughts we have aren't true.

2. Help someone! Lending a hand to others through volunteering or simply holding the door for someone helps us to escape our own mind for enough time to hopefully jar us out of our self-defeating state.

3. Practice telling yourself positive affirmations! Tell yourself the opposite of what you might be thinking.  If you think that you are never going to be good enough, combat that by telling yourself that you are already more than good enough!

These simple steps that only take a few seconds can help to save you from minutes, hours and even days alone in the "the woods." Do yourself one of these small favors today to keep your self-confidence soaring!

Today I will remind my self that I am more than good enough!

Wishing You Well Today and Always.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Daily Bloom Meditation-Affirmation on Anger

"I express anger in constructive ways
rather than destructive ways.
I converse with others I am angry with
in a calm way, rather than aggressively,
and if I cannot speak with them in person,
I release the anger
without turning it inward on myself."


Friday, November 18, 2011

Daily Bloom Meditation

"I am an objective person.
I live in a state of non-judgment toward others,
the world or myself.
When I find judgment within myself,
I re-adjust myself until
a state of non-judgment
becomes habitual."

Wishing You Well Today and Always.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday's: Seeking Silence and Drinking Coffee.......A Lesson on Gratitude....

The Morning Terror:

I anxiously awake at an early 10:30 AM this Sunday morning. Excited that it is Sunday but anxious because of my severe inability to relax, especially on the Lord's day.  I immediately apply the self pressure to read both papers, listen to NPR, figure out a fabulous, home-cooked breakfast and then jam the day with fun filled events.  And I better just drink a whole pot of coffee if I am going to get all of this done!

 My first Mistake:

Ok, well we already know that the coffee probably doesn't help the situation.  It is very hard to "relax" and read two Sunday papers when you are hopped up on an entire pot of extra Bold coffee.  This is always my very first mistake. This unnatural amount of caffeine coursing through my veins causes my level of focus to be extremely debilitated.  I commence with the reading the paper and then getting an exciting idea and switching to the laptop to investigate the prospect able event, craft or interest.  This agonizing practice will go on until the papers are read or the caffeine buzz wears off.  

 Simple Sunday of Living in the Moment:

All of my exciting ideas that I am researching in the midst of my paper reading are usually ironically enough ways to relax! Meditation classes, yoga classes, recipes etc.  Most of which I may try, and they will help the future me but on this Sunday I am still restlessly reading and researching. Obviously nowhere near living in the moment. Which I think is what one would generally be seeking on  Sunday.  A simple Sunday of living in the moment. Yes.

Still in Your Pj's Loser?

As 1:30 Pm Nears, I realize that I am still in my pajamas, now hungry for lunch, thinking about what I will make for dinner, (scheduled for a relaxing yoga class, a meditation class and have an idea for a book I might like to write) and realizing I have only neared the end of one paper.  I have managed to add on to my to do list without ever finishing my "doing Now" list.

Reality Hits:

I take a deep breath and gaze into the kitchen, where Bobby is working hard to refinish the windowsills.  He probably has not a thought in his head besides how many inches he has to cut off to make the sill perfect.  I look around me at the mess I have made with the laptop, the phone, the many newspaper, the candle I lit to try and enhance my "relaxation", half a craft project that I started while I was sitting here and still in my Pajamas.  Really I did no relaxing.

A Sunday Seekers Realization:

I now realize that, with the promise of marriage and children on the horizon, I may never again be able to sleep until 10:30 am so not doing it now would be just plain STUPID.  I will never watch Bobby silently rebuild the window sills of our first home because we will never again have a FIRST home.  I CAN sit here for 2 hours reading and researching and drinking too much coffee because why the HELL not. I may never again have this much DRIVE to craft and bake so I better enjoy it while it is here.  Having a quiet MIND and LIVING in the moment may be a great way to enjoy Sunday but anxiously looking for all of that is how I will spend mine.

Today I am content with being an Anxious  SEEKER and i will make another pot of coffee and ENJOY it.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Daily Bloom Meditation...Are You Letting Your True Self Show?

“Be what you are. This is the first step toward becoming better than you are.” 
Julius Charles Hare

Have you ever woken up to realize that you have been spending all of your time pretending to be someone you are not?  It could be as simple a thought as, "wow, I have been doing this for so many years and now I realize I don't even like it" or a deeper realization that perhaps includes not knowing what you like in any area of your life.  

We are in a constant state of spiritual change and growth. We do not have to continue doing things we don't enjoy just because we think it makes us who we are.  What we do does not define who we are.  These outside images that we portray for ourselves are rarely ever lasting.  To try and keep the image up after you have grown is an exhausting task.  And who does it satisfy? 

Clearing yourself of the old you can make way for self discovery and the freedom to invite new things into your life.  We can only improve when we know what we are to improve upon! A wise woman once said, "you have to pull the weeds to make way for new and more beautiful things to grow". As "the weeds" are removed, our true selves are revealed.

Today I will dig deep to see what I truly enjoy in my life and let go of the rest.  I will pull the weeds to make way for new spiritual growth.

Wishing You Well Today and Always


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Daily Bloom Meditation........Are You In Search of the Future You?

"I know well what I am fleeing from but not what I am in search of. " Michel de Montaigne

 In search of the future you? Most people are.  The trouble is that most of us do not know what the future holds.  We may seek outside things to create our future selves.  Soon we will find that no amount of money can buy what we truly need to sustain  us on our life's journey.  Some try to follow others paths and emulate their lives in attempt to create their own version of self.   The test of time will not allow us to be on someone else's path for too long. We must be brave enough to find out who we truly are in order to survive. 

The future you awaits! Releasing people, places and things of the past will make way for the new you to appear.  Taking the time to clear old blockages gives us the space and energy to find out who we truly are and what we like as an individual.  Spending time seeking material change or trying to be like other people only diverts us from our own true path.  We have all been crated as individuals and the universe wants nothing more than for us to let our own true self shine!  

Today I will be brave enough to seek out my own true future self so that I may live the life I am designed to. Today i will live for me and let my true self shine!

Wishing You Well Today and Always.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Beetroot Juice.....And the Beet Goes On....Holistic Juicing...

The Beets of our Forefathers:

Just a snip of history because I can't resist! The wild beet root has been around since prehistoric times and is believed to have originated in North Africa..  Initially, only the beet greens were consumed.  It wasn't until the Romans discovered the beet root was good to eat that it became popular.  The Romans spread the popularity of the beet root to the many territories that they conquered during the height of their empire. 

During the 19th Century, people would discover that the beet root was a concentrated source of sugar and the first sugar factory would open in Poland! Napoleon helped to bring the beet factories along and it was at this point that the beet root would come to the US! Very exciting, I know...

Beauty of Beets:

Beets are in season now and it is a good time to use them for juicing.  Beet Root Juice is popular for its health benefits.  It is very potent so you only need drink a small amount at a time. One small beet per glass of juice is recommended.

Beet Brain Benefits:

 The beet juice, in combination with the juice of carrot and cucumber, is one of the finest cleansing material for kidneys and gall bladder. It is highly beneficial in all disorders relating to these two organs. I like to add ginger root to give it a kick and increase the detoxification power.
Beat Aging with Beetroot Juice:

Recent studies have shown that beet root juice increases blood flow to the brain, improving cognition & preventing degeneration that leads to dementia. Incorporating beet root juice into your life can help you now and prevent disorder later in life.  It is never too late to start!

Many other benefits of Beets:
  • detox  the blood
  • lower blood pressure
  • improve circulation
  • have a calming effect
  • clean the intestines
  • fight cancer
  • improve menstrual problems
  • cure anemia 

Beet Juice Recipe:
One fresh cucumber, peeled.
2 carrots, peeled.
1 1 inch chunk of ginger root, peeled
1 small beet
I sometimes add some fresh greens and celery when I have them in the garden as well.
Juice these ingredients and enjoy!!

I hope that you have found this information useful. Your mind, body and spirit can be lifted with a healthy diet and all of the bounty that this earth has given us.  Take the time to honor yourself with healthy living today.

Wishing You Well Today and Always

    Friday, July 15, 2011

    Daily Bloom Meditation........Closing the Door on Past Relationships

    "Accept of self is the hand that will close the door on past relationships."

     Accepting that we must let people go in our lives is something that can be a hard pill to swallow.  Others are usually the focus of our acceptance.  We think, "if I could just accept them for who they are, I will be a better person".  Letting people go comes with having acceptance for yourself.  The fear of closing the door often causes us to continue to go back to old relationships.  But we forget that when one door closes, three open.  Even keeping the door open just a crack will stall our process.  We must close it completely in order to move forward and welcome our blessings.  We will never be open to receiving the gifts that the universe has in store for us if we are holding on to old relationships. 

    Today, practice closing the door and having acceptance for your decisions. Many blessings await once you have the courage to complete the task. 

    Wishing You Well Today And Always.

    Wednesday, July 13, 2011

    Daily Bloom Meditation........Set YourSelf Free

    "A person does not have to be behind bars to be a prisoner. People can be prisoners of their own concepts and ideas. They can be slaves to their own selves."  

     Our thoughts and ideas often keep us in bondage.  We can only become free from these self made prisons when we have enough courage to change.  

    Trying to find one thing to focus on that you can do differently today will begin to march you closer to freedom.  Do you have a bad habit? Are you hurting others? Suffering from road rage? You can start with something small like getting angry while driving.  Instead of being your own prisoner and yelling at the car that cuts you off, try taking a deep breath and picturing all of the cars on the road working together to get to a final destination.  

    Taking a few moments to breathe with give you the strength you need to set yourself free!

    Wishing You Well Today And Always

    Friday, July 1, 2011

    Bloom Daily Meditations...Are you light?

    "The burden of self is lightened when I laugh at myself"

    Learning to lighten up is something that doesn't come easy to some of us.  The fear that keeps us trapped in our day to day routines doesn't allow much room for lightness.  We often see no way out of our strict minds.  By taking a minute to look at this, we are able to see that it is unneeded and even harmful to our well being.  The ability to laugh off the fear and let go is today's goal.

    What fear might you release that will lighten you today?

    Take the time to laugh and let go.
    Wishing You Well Today and Always.

    Wednesday, June 29, 2011

    Daily Bloom Meditation........An Old Soul...Note From The Universe

    "An old soul is always prepared
    to admit they might be wrong,
    especially when they're not."

    I think.

    Older than the moon,
    The Universe

    Love you. 

      Notes From The Universe

    Tuesday, June 28, 2011

    Daily Bloom Meditation........Blessed Are The Flexible

    “Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.”

    Wishing You Well Today and Always

    Bloom Weekly Book Review-Notes From The Universe

    I originally picked up this book at a thrift store.  Now I use it in my everyday life whenever I need a little spiritual motivation!! I simply open to a page and then read from that specific page as if it were a message to me.  It is a reminder that there is something greater out there helping us along. Here is a page from the book so you can get an idea of how awesome it really is!

    "If I told you there have been no mistakes,
    that I understand every decision you've ever made,
    and that the challenges you've faced, you've faced
    for everyone, would you listen?

    If I told you that what you dream of, I dream of for you,
    that the only things "meant to be" are what you decide
    upon, and that all that stands between you and the life
    of your dreams are the thoughts you choose
    to think, would you try to understand?

    And if I told you that you are never alone,
    that there are angels who sing your name in praise,
    and that I couldn't possibly be any more proud of you
    than I already am, would you believe me?

    Would you? Even if I pulled your leg, made you blush,
    and winked between the lines?

    Then I shall...

    The Universe
    (from the Foreword of Book 1)

    Wishing You Well Today And Always.

    Monday, June 27, 2011

    Daily Bloom Meditation........Are your roots deep?

    "Like a tree, I must be deeply rooted and stand strong on my own beliefs so that I may finally have the freedom to be me"

    The key to being rooted in who you are is taking the time to really get to know your true strengths and weaknesses. Remembering to appreciate when there is growth and acknowledging when there is still room for improvement.  Being deeply rooted in knowing who you are as a person will allow you the most strength and freedom at the end of the day.

    What will deepen you roots today and give you strength?

    Wishing You Well Today And Always.

    Sunday, June 26, 2011

    Daily Bloom....Everyday Awakenings.

     "Let It Grow"

    The best in you is ready to come out and reach for the sky! Don't block your best growth with bad habits and behaviors.  Let your best self be in full bloom today!!

    Wishing You Well Today And Always.

    Saturday, June 25, 2011

    Daily Guide to Instant Karma.......I am Awake

    "Begin Each Day By Saying, "I am awake and grateful to be alive".

    Gratitude creates increased health and well being when practiced frequently.  Increase your own well-being by remembering one thing that you are grateful for today. What is it?

    Wishing You Well Today And Always.

    Friday, June 24, 2011

    Bodacious Basil Cream Sauce and Zucchini Pasta DInner.......

    Bodacious Basil!!

    Basil is not only delicious, but also an amazing herb when many beneficial qualities!

    Did you know that Basil is a known anti-depressant and thought to be emotionally uplifting?

    Basil can also be put into a steaming pot an inhaled to clear sinuses and head colds!!

    So, while you are busy making a great dinner, you will also be reaping the additional mind, spirit and body benefits of the bodacious basil!!


    One Fresh Medium Size Zucchini
    A Handful of Fresh Basil (wash the dirt off first!)
    2 Garlic Cloves
    Dash of Olive Oil
    Low Fat Organic Milk (or whatever you have)
    Walnuts, a handfullish
    A few pinches of Wheat Flour
    One scoop of Butter/Margarine etc.
    Parm Cheese

    Get your wheat pasta started so it will be ready when the sauce is done...

    I used my Magic Bullet to process the Basil, and Garlic but I am sure you can use a regular food processor. I added a dash of olive oil once the basil and garlic were pureed. 

    Start heating up the walnuts in a sauce pan.

    You can start warming up the tiny scoop of butter and add the few pinches of wheat flour to that, then pour in the milk and stir constantly.

    Once it is warmed up, add as much parm cheese as you can stand. I like a lot!

    You can add some of the sauce to the basil/garlic mixture and then reprocess it, once that is done add it all back into the sauce pan.

    Dip the Zucchini in the sauce and saute them in their own pan with some additional walnuts.

    Once they are cooked, pour the sauce on top of them, then add in your Wheat Pasta.......

     And Voila!! A Bodacious Basil Cream Sauce and Zucchini Pasta Dinner!!

    I knew when I started making this that it would be awesome or a total flop.. It was shockingly delicious!!

    Wishing You Well Today and Always.

    Daily Guide to Instant Karma.....Spiritual side Vs. Material Side

    "Let your spiritual side guide your material side....not the other way around"

    Wishing You Well Today and Always.

    Thursday, June 23, 2011

    Mind, Body, Berry Bread.....Strawberry season recipe...holistic health

    Mind, Body, Berry Bread......Strawberry Season....

    Sad But True.......

    Did you know that strawberry season is only about 6 weeks long? Sad but true. And this year because of the unseasonably warm weather, it is even shorter.  

    Brain Berries.....

    Studies have shown that berries such as strawberries, blueberries and blackberries are highly protective to the brain! Not only are they delicious, but they also work as anti-oxidants, have anti-inflamatory properties and positively effect the part of the brain that helps to off-set stress!! For these reason, we love berries!!

    While the berries are in season, it is a good idea to make as much as you can with them!! Try baking and freezing this bread recipe to enjoy later in the season for continued health and well being!!

    Mind, Body, Berry Bread Recipe:

    2 Farm Fresh Eggs
    1/2 c. berry flavored apple sauce
    1/4 c. coconut oil
    3/4 c. Organic Brown Sugar 
    1 tsp. Vanilla 
    4 bananas
    2 c. Locally grown and milled Organic Wheat Flour
    1 tsp. baking soda
    1 tsp. cinnamon
    2 c. Fresh, Local strawberries
    1. c. blueberries
    1 packet of Strawberries and cream instant Oatmeal (my not so secret ingredient)

    1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F . 
    2. Use a non-stick Bread Pan.
    3. With my Kitchen-Aid mixer (thanks Herbie and Carrie!), beat together the eggs, applesauce, oil, brown sugar, vanilla and bananas. Combine the flour, baking soda and cinnamon.
    4.  Gently mix in the oatmeal
    5. Stir in the strawberries and blueberries.
    6. Bake for 50-60 minutes in the preheated oven, cooking times may vary....keep an eye on it and bake until a fork comes out clean!!

    Using Fresh, Local and organic ingredients benefits the body which will in turn benefit the mind and spirit.  Make this bread and enjoy the entire experience that it will bring into your day.  I hope that you will enjoy it and remember, til the season for mind, for body and for berry......

    Wishing You Well Today And Always.

    This recipe was adapted from a recipe on

    Daily Guide to Instant Karma......."Lighten up"!

    Ways to give yourself and others good energy right now......


    "Lighten up on those closest to you"


    Wishing you well today and Always.

    Tuesday, June 21, 2011

    Crystal Blog...Healing Life Energy

    Crystal Journey........

    I have recently started as a guest blogger, sharing my knowledge of the Metaphysical properties of crystals.  For over ten years I  have been working with crystals and have learned a lot of amazing things over that time. I am always learning new ways to use the healing energy that comes from the ancient crystal world.  I have always shared the information I have on crystals via my jewelry designs. I find that this has been the best way to be reminded of the healing powers that are withing the stones.  By wearing them, we create a connection with the energy and promote healing within ourselves.  I am happy to be able to share what I have learned with you and hope that you will find the blog posts as exciting as I do!!

    The Power of Lapis Lazuli:

    Amethyst for fighting Addictions:

    Wishing You Well Today And Always....

    Look for a new Crystal Blog post every Wednesday on the Tigerlily Website!

    Sara Martine Designs Healing Jewelry :

    Thursday, June 2, 2011

    Fight off Sunburn with Grilled Broccoli.........Holistic Health

    Amazingly Healthy....

    Broccoli is not only delicious, but also an amazing tool in caring for your overall health.  It is known for many of its health benefits including boosting the immune system and fighting off cancer.  

    Beach and then Broccoli!

    During the summer months, Broccoli is an excellent choice for grilling.  It has a  high concentration of sulforaphane which helps to boost the liver and skin's detoxification abilities. It also helps the skin to repair damages from over-exposure to the sun's harmful UV rays.

    The Warm weather is upon us and I always have trouble figuring out a healthy side to go with all of my other BBQ delights! I love to be able to throw some veggies on a skewer and grill them up! This is a twist on a grilled broccoli recipe that is light, healthy and delicious!

    Grilled Broccoli with EVOO and Lemon:

    I use an entire head of broccoli and break it up into large chunks.  The bigger the pieces, the easier they are to skewer.

    Next, Mix together a cup of Evoo, juice from 2 lemons and some salt and pepper.......

    Skewer the broccoli so they are ready to dip and grill...... Drizzle or dip the skewered broccoli into the mixture, but be sure to save some to add when you are done grilling .....

    I prepare them early and they put them in a bag in the fridge until I am ready to grill them.....Once you are ready, just lay them on the grill for a few will see they are done when they start to get crispy and brown on the edges.....

    Finally, I add some fresh Parmesan cheese and the leftover oil/lemon mixture..........Delicious!!

    Wishing You Well Today and Always.

    Wednesday, May 18, 2011

    Ancient Honey Sesame Cookies.....Secrets of The Silk Road...

    This past April, I went to an exhibition at the UPenn Museum of Archeology and Anthropology.  I had actually gone there to look at their collection of Ancient Egyptian artifacts, which is amazing because they excavated a large number of the artifacts themselves.  They have one of the largest Ancient Egyptian collections in the area if you ever have the chance to go.  Anyway, I stumbled upon an exhibition they were hosting called "Secrets of The Silk Road".  The crossing of ancient cultures is a hot topic for art historians right now so it was not surprising that this was at the museum. I'm sure we will be seeing a lot more of this in the future! Sorry, I will keep the nerdy Art History talk to a minimum.  Here is the blurb from the UPenn website about the exhibition, only because I couldn't have described it better myself.

    "Secrets of the Silk Road explores the history of the Tarim Basin in western China. Extraordinarily well-preserved mummies and other materials found at the cross-roads of the legendary Silk Road suggest the area was active for thousands of years, with diverse languages, lifestyles, religions, and cultures present."

    Very well said, and with that I will tell you how I came upon this cookie recipe.  Along with a mummy and some other interesting artifacts were a few food items.  There was a 1000 year old Wonton, yes I said Wonton!


     They were preserved because they were in the dry desert sand for 1000 years.  Next to the 1000 year old Wonton were some 1000 year old cookies! And there I found the Ancient Cookie recipe.......

    This is an actual picture of one of the ancient cookies that has been shaped like a chrysanthemum.

    Unfortunately, our cookies will not be shaped like flowers.

    Ancient Honey Sesame Cookies:
    2 1/2 cups flour
    1 tsp baking powder
    1/4 tsp salt
    1/8 tsp baking soda
    1/2 cup of unsalted butter, room temperature
    1/2 cup honey
    2 eggs
    1/2 cup sesame seeds

    In a bowl, combine dry ingredients.  In another bowl, combine butter, honey and eggs with an electric mixer until well combined.  Slowly add flour into the mixture.  Cover and chill the dough for one hour or until firm.  Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Form chilled dough into one inch balls and then press down with your fingers slightly.  Bake 10 minutes or until golden brown.  Brush tops of cookies with melted butter when done and immediately roll in sesame seeds.

    These cookies are delicious! Enjoy!

    I would like to thank my neighbor Maureen for letting me borrow her mixer to make the cookies!! Thanks!

    Wishing You Well Today And Always.

    Tuesday, May 10, 2011

    Stomach Ease Tea.......Holistic Indigestion Remedy.......

     It is important to remember that trouble with the stomach has much to do with a troubled mind.  Often times it is hard to treat ailments of the body without taking the time to treat the mind and spirit. Indigestion or intestinal problems can be a direct result of unresolved conflict in the spirit.  The end result can be trouble after meals, food allergies or an imbalanced digestive system.   Worry and fear can be big trouble for your digestion.

     In times of high stress and anxiety it is important to take time to be still and be with ones self.  Resisting the temptation to run off to the next activity can have a positive influence on the outcome of your day and your overall health.  Taking a few minutes to have a cup of tea after a meal can be very beneficial.

    The mind and spirit must be treated to allow the  body to heal.  I have often turned to tea as the band-aid for my physical discomforts.  This tea recipe is a twist on an Ayurvedic remedy.  I use this concoction when I am feeling discomfort after meals.  It works like a charm after a hearty meal to help the food settle and digest.  

    1 pinch of Baking Soda
    One half of a Fresh Lemon
    Fresh Ginger or Ginger Powder

    Warm a cup of filtered water, add ginger powder, baking soda and squeeze lemon in........sip and enjoy.....

    This tea works to aid in digestion and to ease the stomach.

    Wishing You Well Today and Always.

    Sunday, May 8, 2011

    Good-Will Hunting....Hunting For Treasures....The Golden Nugget

    The Golden Nugget Antique Flea Market is one of my favorite places to go and hunt for "treasures"! It is a beautiful, winding tree lined drive up River Road to Lambertville, NJ.  You are just a stones throw away from New Hope, Pa once you arrive in Lambertville.  You could  make a day of it and get some lunch over the bridge when you are done at the flea market! The Nugget is open wed, sat and sun year round.  I usually go more often in the spring and summer when the weather is nice and almost always score something awesome when I am there!   I really enjoy strolling around the tables in hopes that I will get a good deal on something fantastic! The excitement alone is worth the trip. 


    "Learn Everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can-there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did"

    Being a collector of something that you love helps one to engage in the process of lifelong learning.  It is good to choose something that you are interested in learning about to collect.  It can be an engaging hobby to participate in and is sure to improve your quality of life.  It is important to have things in your life that are full of simple pleasure.  You can never go wrong with collecting! has an article about collectors and suggests these reason as to why people begin and continue collections:

    1. Knowledge and learning
    2. Relaxation and stress reduction
    3. Personal pleasure (including appreciation of beauty, and pride of ownership)
    4. Social interaction with fellow collectors and others (i.e. the sharing of pleasure and knowledge)
    5. Competitive challenge
    6. Recognition by fellow collectors and perhaps even non-collectors
    7. Altruism (since many great collections are ultimately donated to museums and learning institutions)
    8. The desire to control, possess and bring order to a small (or even a massive) part of the world
    9. Nostalgia and/or a connection to history
    10. Accumulation and diversification of wealth (which can ultimately provide a measure of security and freedom)

    Think about something that you would like to collect and get started!

    I am a collector of old books, amongst other things and always on the look out for a new addition to my ever growing collection.  The best part is when you find something you really like, and then come home to find out that it is worth a lot more than you paid for it.  

    Old Dusty Books........

    I bought these two books today. Along with the excitement of purchasing an item like this, is the thrill of finding out its history and value.  I found out that both of these books are from the early 1900's.  The Blue book is worth at least $30. I only paid $2 for it!  I have some books in my collection that I paid less than $5 for that are worth over $100!  I don't think I will be selling them anytime soon but it is good to know that they have some monetary value. The best part of buying old books is thinking about where they may have been and who may have read them! 

    Original Jewelry........ 

    The other thing that I really love to collect is old jewelry.  It is great to find original pieces that have some character and history. I found this locket with the Japanese figures painted on the front of it today.   I think that it will look great with a gold chain.  It is a really unique piece that is even more beautiful in person.

    I also found these tortoise studs and a tortoise ring! These will match perfect with the tortoise bracelet that I found two weeks ago at 2nd Avenue thrift! It is unbelievable when you find things that will go together...I mean, what are the chances really! 

    I hope that you have found some information that you will be inspired to take along on your journey. Perhaps you will find something that you like to collect and be able to share it as well!

    Wishing You Well Today and Always.