Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Stomach Ease Tea.......Holistic Indigestion Remedy.......

 It is important to remember that trouble with the stomach has much to do with a troubled mind.  Often times it is hard to treat ailments of the body without taking the time to treat the mind and spirit. Indigestion or intestinal problems can be a direct result of unresolved conflict in the spirit.  The end result can be trouble after meals, food allergies or an imbalanced digestive system.   Worry and fear can be big trouble for your digestion.

 In times of high stress and anxiety it is important to take time to be still and be with ones self.  Resisting the temptation to run off to the next activity can have a positive influence on the outcome of your day and your overall health.  Taking a few minutes to have a cup of tea after a meal can be very beneficial.

The mind and spirit must be treated to allow the  body to heal.  I have often turned to tea as the band-aid for my physical discomforts.  This tea recipe is a twist on an Ayurvedic remedy.  I use this concoction when I am feeling discomfort after meals.  It works like a charm after a hearty meal to help the food settle and digest.  

1 pinch of Baking Soda
One half of a Fresh Lemon
Fresh Ginger or Ginger Powder

Warm a cup of filtered water, add ginger powder, baking soda and squeeze lemon in........sip and enjoy.....

This tea works to aid in digestion and to ease the stomach.

Wishing You Well Today and Always.


  1. Great tip, Sister Sara! I'll have to try this next time I have tummy trouble.

  2. Yes, it works wonders! Let me know if it helps!

  3. I am going to have to try this as well. I am a Cancer sign and most of my ailments are always within my stomach.

  4. Oh I would love to hear more about how your sign effects your ailments Katie. Please share more with us!
