"Self-Confidence is the key to the universe."
-Carrol Wrackley
As the days come and go and the holidays season approaches, it is easy to get caught up in what I like to call "the woods". The woods is a metaphorical place that we go when we let out self confidence dwindle. We take one negative thought or occurrence and run away with it. Into the dark woods we go without a sane thought in our minds! It is easy to let our thoughts spiral down into the darkness when we are under a lot of stress. We don't have our usual strength to fight the negative thoughts off when we are already in a state of distress.
We can recognize these self-defeating thoughts and battle them before we get lost in "the woods." When I notice myself thinking negatively there are a few things that I can do to get that jolt of self-confidence I need to continue:
1. Tell a friend! Friends always understand our crazy thoughts and they will be able to tell us that whatever negative thoughts we have aren't true.
2. Help someone! Lending a hand to others through volunteering or simply holding the door for someone helps us to escape our own mind for enough time to hopefully jar us out of our self-defeating state.
3. Practice telling yourself positive affirmations! Tell yourself the opposite of what you might be thinking. If you think that you are never going to be good enough, combat that by telling yourself that you are already more than good enough!
These simple steps that only take a few seconds can help to save you from minutes, hours and even days alone in the "the woods." Do yourself one of these small favors today to keep your self-confidence soaring!
Today I will remind my self that I am more than good enough!
Wishing You Well Today and Always.
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