Monday, July 18, 2011

Beetroot Juice.....And the Beet Goes On....Holistic Juicing...

The Beets of our Forefathers:

Just a snip of history because I can't resist! The wild beet root has been around since prehistoric times and is believed to have originated in North Africa..  Initially, only the beet greens were consumed.  It wasn't until the Romans discovered the beet root was good to eat that it became popular.  The Romans spread the popularity of the beet root to the many territories that they conquered during the height of their empire. 

During the 19th Century, people would discover that the beet root was a concentrated source of sugar and the first sugar factory would open in Poland! Napoleon helped to bring the beet factories along and it was at this point that the beet root would come to the US! Very exciting, I know...

Beauty of Beets:

Beets are in season now and it is a good time to use them for juicing.  Beet Root Juice is popular for its health benefits.  It is very potent so you only need drink a small amount at a time. One small beet per glass of juice is recommended.

Beet Brain Benefits:

 The beet juice, in combination with the juice of carrot and cucumber, is one of the finest cleansing material for kidneys and gall bladder. It is highly beneficial in all disorders relating to these two organs. I like to add ginger root to give it a kick and increase the detoxification power.
Beat Aging with Beetroot Juice:

Recent studies have shown that beet root juice increases blood flow to the brain, improving cognition & preventing degeneration that leads to dementia. Incorporating beet root juice into your life can help you now and prevent disorder later in life.  It is never too late to start!

Many other benefits of Beets:
  • detox  the blood
  • lower blood pressure
  • improve circulation
  • have a calming effect
  • clean the intestines
  • fight cancer
  • improve menstrual problems
  • cure anemia 

Beet Juice Recipe:
One fresh cucumber, peeled.
2 carrots, peeled.
1 1 inch chunk of ginger root, peeled
1 small beet
I sometimes add some fresh greens and celery when I have them in the garden as well.
Juice these ingredients and enjoy!!

I hope that you have found this information useful. Your mind, body and spirit can be lifted with a healthy diet and all of the bounty that this earth has given us.  Take the time to honor yourself with healthy living today.

Wishing You Well Today and Always

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